Bring the Mind of Einstein to Your Organization

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   Bring the Mind of Einstein to Your Organization


27th of March, 2008
Radisson Hotel
9:00 am To 4:00 pm

Train Your Mind to Work Like a Human Computer!


  • How to Develop the Mind of Einstein

  • Increase Your Memory Power By 300%

  • Routinely Recall 100 Digit Numbers

  • Give Speeches or Presentations without Notes


The human brain is an amazing machine. It is comprised of over 100 billion cells that continually adapts to changing influences while absorbing vast amounts of data, day in and day out. The problem is, it can also be a pretty independent organ, and will store that data where it wants to unless directed otherwise. That's where Ron White's amazing techniques for memory improvement come into play.

Most people that believe they have a poor memory merely have an untrained memory. Using the memory techniques you will learn in this seminar, you will improve your memory by developing a system to store important bits of information and - more importantly - be able to access them on command, anytime or anywhere.

The human mind is the most powerful computer in the world, but most people do not know how to tap into their mind's potential. Maximize Your Memory is like a user's manual for the mind, teaching viewer's how do more with their mind than they ever thought possible.

Increase workplace productivity through memory improvement!
Most people associate the term, "memory training," with strengthening their ability to remember names and faces, and perhaps sundry items such as grocery lists. While the memory techniques offered by world-renown author and speaker, Ron White, certainly work in those areas, there are other benefits of memory training that are often overlooked, including the ability to make more sales, better market your brand, and improve your business as a whole!

Ron White will show you how using his memory techniques to improve your memory can result in the most dynamic business tool you've ever had!

Click below to meet Ron White:

For more information on Bring the Mind of Einstein to Your Organization, please contact:

AIM Client Services 02-2700-984-5
Outside Thailand ++66-2-2700-984-5

Complete Registration form and fax to 02-2700-986
Outside Thailand ++66-22700-986

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